RummyApple Apk | Download Get 51 ₹
RummyApple Apk :- Friends, today we will discuss about a newly launched application which is RummyApple Apk, with the help of this application all of you can earn lakhs of rupees sitting at home. Friends, RummyApple Apk is very easy to use. RummyApple Apk gives you 100% money for playing games. All other important information related to RummyApple Apk is given below, you can read them all.

How to Download RummyApple Apk ?
Friends you can easily download RummyApple Apk in few simple steps which is given below so read all the steps to Download RummyApple Apk in your Device.
- Step 1 :- Friends, first of all, click on the download Button given by us.
- Step 2 :- By clicking on the download Button you will be redirected to the download page of RummyApple Apk.
- Step 3 :- When the download page opens, click again on the download button.
- Step 4 :– After clicking on the download button, RummyApple Apk will start Downloading on your mobile phone.
- Step 5 :- After downloading the RummyApple Apk, all of you should install it.
- Step 6 :- After installation, RummyApple Apk has been completely downloaded in your device, now you can enjoy it.

How to Create Account in RummyApple Apk ?
Friends, to create your Account in RummyApple Apk, you all must have a mobile number so that you can create your Account in this application. All the important information related to creating a Account is given below.
- Step 1 :- Friends, first of all you Should click on RummyApple Apk and open it.
- Step 2 :- After opening, click on the Profile button.
- Step 3 :- After clicking on the profile button, you will be asked to enter your mobile number, please enter that too.
- Step 4 :- After entering the mobile number, You will receive an OTP vis sms on the mobile number you entered, please enter that.
- Step 5 :- After entering the OTP, please select your username and password. After that, click on all Confirm buttons.
- Step 6 :- After that your Account has been completely Created in RummyApple Apk, now you can play games in it.

How to Login Old Account in RummyApple Apk ?
Friends, if you want to login to your old account in this application, then all of you should have the username and password available while creating the account. To login to your account, open RummyApple Apk application, click on the login button and enter your username and password, after that your old account will be logged in.

How toh Add Game Coins in RummyApple Apk ?
Friends, to play games in this application, All of you should have Game coins. you can Purchase Game coins by following all the given steps mentioned by us.
- Step 1 :- To Add Game Coins in RummyApple Apk, all of you should first open the RummyApple Apk.
- Step 2 :- After opening the RummyApple Apk, all of you click on the Shop icon which is given below.
- Step 3 :- As soon as you click on the Shop icon a new shopping page will open in front of you.
- Step 4 :- After opening that, all of you can select the amount to Purchase game coins as per your wish.
- Step 5 :- After selecting the amount, you can make the payment through any suitable method like :- UPI, Net Banking, Credit card, Debit card or any other medium.
- Step 6 :- Within a few seconds of making the payment, your game coins will be credited to your game ID and then you can use it to play the game.

How many types of Games available in RummyApple Apk ?
Friends, in RummyApple Apk, all of you are given many types of fantastic games, by playing which you can earn a lot of money. Out of all the wonderful games available in this application, a list of some unique and special games is given below, you all can read them comfortably.
- 1. Dragon vs Tiger
- 2. Ludo
- 3. Rummy
- 4. Car Roulette
- 5. Zoo Roulette
- 6. Mines
- 7. Baccarat
- 8. 7 Up Down
How to Withdraw Money in RummyApple Apk ?
Friends, in this application withdrawal process is too much easy. Friends if you want to withdraw your winning amount then all you must have a bank account to withdraw. All the necessary steps related to withdraw money are given below, by completing them you can withdraw your money very easily.
- Step 1 :- To withdraw money from RummyApple Apk, all of you should open this application.
- Step 2 :- After opening the application, you all click on the Withdrawal icon.
- Step 3 :- Once you click on the withdrawal icon you will be directed to the withdrawal page of this application.
- Step 4 :- Now the withdrawal page has opened in front of you all, link your bank account here.
- Step 5 :- this application required some basic details about your account like Account Number, IFSC Code, Bank Name etc. all of you guys enter these basic details carefully.
- Step 6 :- After entering all the details click on the submit button.
- Step 7 :- After Clicking, you also enter the withdrawal amount.
- Step 8 :- After entering the withdrawal amount, all of you click on the withdraw button.
- Step 9 :- Once you click on the withdrawal button, After few seconds your money will be securely transferred to the bank account you entered.

Some Extra Features of RummyApple Apk.
Refer And Earn :- Friends, refer and earn is such a medium through which you can earn a lot of money by sharing RummyApple Apk. The more you share this application, the more bonus you will be given. In this application, all of you are given referral bonus along with lifetime commission.

Some frequently asked questions ( FAQs ) related to RummyApple Apk.
- Que No. 1. What is the minimum amount to be added in RummyApple Apk ?
- Ans . 100 Rupees Ony.
- Que No. 2. What is the minimum amount to Withdraw in RummyApple Apk ?
- Ans . 100 Rupees Ony.
- Que No. 3. How many types of games available in RummyApple Apk to play and Earn ?
- Ans . Approximately 30 + game are available in RummyApple Apk to Play and Earn money.
- Que No. 4. How much sign-up bonus given by RummyApple Apk ?
- Ans . 51 ₹ Rupees Only.
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